Introduction 公司简介

Underground Computers Inc. is a wholesale distributor of second-hand, off-lease and refurbished laptops, tablets, servers, desktops and computer parts. Founded in 1989, one of the earliest suppliers in the computer recycling industry. We have been serving a network of clients that encompass the globe.

  • UCI公司是二手、租赁到期以及翻新笔记本、平板电脑、服务器、台式机以及配件的批发商。公司成立于1989年,是二手电脑行业最早的供应商之一,客户遍布全球。

Underground Computers Inc. with our staff of A+ certified technicians developed the standards of quality in refurbished computers and set the pace for the industry. This attention to quality in all areas gives our clients the ability to select from any number of top brand computers like IBM, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple and OEM branded products. Our selection provides the best possible diversity in pricing reflecting the quality in processors, hard drives and functionality to fit our clients’ needs.

  • UCI公司拥有A+证书的技术人员,制定了翻新电脑的行业质量标准,是该领域的领头羊。公司的产品具有高性价比,主流品牌的电脑产品一应俱全,从IBM,HP,Dell,Lenovo,Apple到OEM的产品满足不同客户的需求。

Located in Michigan we consider this an advantage to respond with our products from a central location in the United States and the entire globe as our neighborhood.

  • 公司位于密歇根州,对于来自美国中部地区以及世界各地的产品而言具有地理位置上的优势。

Mission  公司理念

Quality first, customer foremost, honest and trustworthy.

  • 质量第一,客户至上,诚实,守信


Second-Hand Laptops ~ er shou bi ji ben ~ 二手笔记本